Cursling Eye of Tzeentch Featured

We are all excited here at Mythic Minis Studio to present the winners and participants of the miniature painting competition at the Rocky Top Game Con. This prestigious event showcases the incredible talent and artistry within the miniature painting community, featuring awe-inspiring creations that brought fantasy worlds to life.

Rocky Top Game Con – Fantasy Single Miniature Gold Winner

A single Gold Medal Award was given out for each category.

This award goes to John Gass and his Cursling Eye of Tzeentch. We (the judges) appreciated the quality paint job on the model, but the creativity of the base is what made this entry stand above others in the category. Not only is it an outstanding base, but John also used the features from the base using the OSL painting technique to bring reflective color up into the model.

See more of John’s awesome painting on Instagram:

Cursling Eye of Tzeentch

Rocky Top Game Con – Fantasy Single Category Silver Winners

Two Silver Medal Awards were given out for each category.

The first Silver Medal Award (in no particular order) goes to Chris Gropp with Summer Cyrus from Kingdom Death. Chris’s amazing paint job and touches of gore enhance the dark theme of this model. Outstanding!

Check out more of Chris’s excellent painting on Instagram:

Summer Cyrus Kingdom Death
Summer Cyrus Kingdom Death
Summer Cyrus Kingdom Death

Our next Silver Medal Award for Sci-fi Single category goes to Chad Riggs and his Halloween Sophie from Reaper Minis. It’s always delightful to receive entries that are not Games Workshop. Not a slight on those models, as they are a standard in quality and detail, but when we get an entry like Chad’s we have to approach it with different eyes. This model was really cool to explore, and I especially appreciated the effort that went into the base and its autumnal vibe.

Check out more of Chad’s awesome scale model and miniature painting on Instagram, and the Nerdy Old Men Podcast on Facebook.

Halloween Sophie
Halloween Sophie

Rocky Top Game Con – Fantasy Single Category Bronze Winners

Three Bronze Medal Awards were given out for each category.

The first Bronze Medal Award (in no particular order) goes to Emily Walters with Uzume Japanese Goddess from Clay Cyanide Miniatures. This model was creative and unique, and it was an absolute joy to have Emily enter it into the competition.

Emily is a Guild Leader at The Warriors of Hope Adventuring Guild. Check out their Facebook Group!

Uzume Japanese Goddess
Uzume Japanese Goddess
Uzume Japanese Goddess
The Warriors of Hope Adventuring Guild

The next Bronze Medal winner is Beau Lawrence and his Barbarian from the board game Massive Darkness. We applaud Beau’s approach to layering and highlight all of those layers of fabric and flesh, which can be very challenging.

Check out more of Beau’s miniature painting on Instagram:

Barbarian Massive Death
Barbarian Massive Death
Barbarian Massive Death
Barbarian Massive Death

And finally, our last Bronze Medal Award goes to Fletcher Keil with Fungoid Cave Shaman from Games Workshop. Fletcher did such an excellent job painting this model, and we would have loved to have seen it based and finished!

Fungoid Cave Shaman
Fungoid Cave Shaman

And our last Rocky Top Game Con 2024 Painting Competition Fantasy Single entry is by Eric Vanhoose and his Tiefling Paladin. While Eric didn’t win a medal this year, we appreciate his entry. I believe he said this was the first miniature he has ever painted.

Eric is a madman when it comes to airbrush art! check him out on Instagram
Tiefling Paladin

Rocky Top Game Con Miniature Painting Competition 2024

And there we have the seven entries and six winners for the Rocky Top Game Con 2024 Miniature Painting Competition for the category of Fantasy Single Miniature.

But, there is more to come – keep an eye on this site and Mythic Minis Studio social media pages for announcements and photos for medal winners across other categories.

We have more to showcase and will get posts up as soon as possible.

Congratulate your favorite in the comments below!

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