About Artist Jen V
Hi, I’m Jen V!
Painting miniatures scratches an artistic itch!
I was super excited when we discovered this hobby because it was a completely different type of creative outlet than other arts and crafts mediums.
Painting miniatures wasn’t completely alien to me
Both of my parents were artistic, working with oils, watercolors, and even sculpting rock and clay.
I keep my hands busy with an art or craft, and painting miniatures quickly became a new favorite creative outlet.
My Miniature Painting Accolades
I also painted a few of the centerpiece models in the window display at Warhammer Turkey Creek in Knoxville, TN. You may see them today if you go there!

Best Painted Armies on Parade 2017
I was absolutely honored to receive this award, and was truly flattered at the positive response to my work.

Everchosen Champion
I was selected as Everchosen Champion by the Warhammer Turkey Creek Store. Even though I didn’t place as well in the national competition, I felt highly esteemed to be Everchosen!

Best Themed Armies on Parade 2017
Winning Best Painted was certainly enough acclaim to my painting, but to receive a second award for Best Themed was a true privilege!
I chose Dwarves
as my first models because I love them. They’re small but mighty, and their loud, opinionated, and gruff personality is based on grudges. It reminds me of my New York origins, my Sicilian family, and an inescapable version of myself.
The base-shade-layer method helped me get started, but it didn’t take me long to start experimenting with mixing my own colors or trying techniques like wet blending without even knowing that was a thing.
my advice to new painters
Learn the basics, but don’t pigeon-hole yourself into a set method. Branch out and experiment with different colors and techniques. Even when you get bad results, what you take away from that trial is worth far more than any awards you’ll ever win!

Enjoy Jen V’s Painting?
Mythic Minis hosts all of Jen V’s miniature painting galleries!