Rocky Top Game Con Youth Competition

Mythic Minis Studio proudly presents the winners and participants of the miniature painting competition at Rocky Top Game Con. This prestigious event celebrates the incredible talent and artistry within the miniature painting community, showcasing awe-inspiring creations that bring fantasy worlds to life.

Rocky Top Game Con Youth Competition Gold Winner

This was a really cool entry for our youth competition by Selena Snyder of a Transendant C’tan. This used a UV reactive light, which made for some interesting affects with the camera lens and lighting.

Transcendant C'tan
Transcendant C'tan
Transcendant C'tan
Transcendant C'tan

Rocky Top Game Con Miniature Painting Competition 2024

And there we have our entries for the Rocky Top Game Con 2024 Miniature Painting Competition for the category of Youth Competition.

Check out other the other galleries of categories, entries and winners at

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