Rocky Top Game Con Open Painting Competition

Mythic Minis Studio proudly presents the winners and participants of the miniature painting competition at Rocky Top Game Con. This prestigious event celebrates the incredible talent and artistry within the miniature painting community, showcasing awe-inspiring creations that bring fantasy worlds to life.

The Open Competition leaned toward being our favorite category because it was unassuming, and the artists really just wanted us to look at their art and give some artist-to-artist criticism. Personally, a couple of the best and most expressive pieces for me from the open competition and made me want to be a better painter.

That’s what this competition is supposed to be all about – not just competing for who can paint the best, but to inspired and motivate each other to hone our craft and make beautiful pieces that we can all enjoy, even at different skill levels.

Rocky Top Game Con Open Painting Competition – Dwarven Berserker

Dwarf Berserker painted by Beau Lawrence for the Open Competition at Rocky Top Game Con 2024.

You can see more of Beaus awesome painting on Instagram:

Dwarf Berserker
Dwarf Berserker

Rocky Top Game Con Open Painting Competition – Demon Bust

Demon Bust by John Gass for the Open Competition at Rocky Top Game Con 2024 Painting Competition.

See more of John’s miniature painting on Instagram

Demon Bust - Rocky Top Game Con
Demon Bust - Rocky Top Game Con

Intercessor Sargent painted by James Francis for the Open Competition at Rocky Top Game Con 2024.

See more of James’s miniature painting on Instagram

Intercessor Sargent
Intercessor Sargent

Norn Emissary painted by James Francis for the Open Competition at Rocky Top Game Con 2024.

See more of James’s miniature painting on Instagram

Norn Emissary
Norn Emissary
Norn Emissary

Rocky Top Game Con Miniature Painting Competition 2024

And there we have our entries for the Rocky Top Game Con 2024 Miniature Painting Competition for the category of Open Competition.

Check out other the other galleries of categories, entries and winners at

Congratulate your favorite in the comments below!

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